
Sandrine Colard
about Recaptioning Congo

Video   •   04:20 December 2022

In this video, curator Sandrine Colard takes Marie-France Vodikulwakidi (VICE) on a tour in the Recaptioning Congo exhibition at FOMU.

“In newspaper articles of the period before 1960 you often see propaganda images. People failed to see that these images were not neutral, that they ware purpose-made. (..) With photography, the authorities wanted to create a more beautiful image and polish away their atrocities.”

- Sandrine Colard

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Colard and Vodikulwakidi talk about the impact of colonization through the lens of African and European photographers and how we can learn from history to look towards the future. "I hope I can make visitors realize that this story has a great impact on how we live today”, says Colard.

This video was made in collaboration with Vice and is made as part of the exhibition Recaptioning Congo - New perspectives on the photographic history of colonial Congo. The exhibition is the result of years of international research by curator Sandrine Colard and represents the first extensive exhibition to tackle the multilayered history of photography in the Belgian Congo.

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