Artist Video:
Dirk Braeckman
Dirk Braeckman has developed an impressive career over the past 25 years. His photographs have a unique place in the visual arts. FOMU is currently the museum that manages the largest collection of Braeckman’s photographs.
In 2018, FOMU acquired S.E.-G.S.-18, an exceptional new series that has never been exhibited before. Braeckman has been experimenting with sequences since 2014. In this series of images, he attempts to prolong the specific perception and experience of his work.
S.E.-G.S.-18 is a sequence of seven times the same image that has been printed differently each time. Braeckman plays with the lighting, tonality, clarity, and the material properties of the photochemical process, which manifests as gradations of black spots where the photographic paper has been left unexposed. You see a deserted scene, a minimalist still life. In the background, a curtain moves. It is as though the moment after something happened—or the moment before.

S.E.-G.S.-18 is a sequence of seven times the same image that has been printed differently each time. Braeckman plays with the lighting, tonality, clarity, and the material properties of the photochemical process, which manifests as gradations of black spots where the photographic paper has been left unexposed. You see a deserted scene, a minimalist still life. In the background, a curtain moves. It is as though the moment after something happened—or the moment before.
You can discover the work of Dirk Braeckman in the exhibition 're-collect'. 're-collect' takes you on an associative walk through a decade of acquisitions. The non-chronological approach encourages new connections to be made between the works. re-collect offers a simultaneous glimpse of the collection’s past, present and future.