Melanie bonajo When the body says Yes

Workshop When the body says Yes


Together with Skinship collective and friends, Erika Sprey, Carolyn Giezner, Spa for Spirits and Celebr8 Cultcakes FOMU organises a sensory evening as part of the exhibition melanie bonajo - When the body says Yes. Expect a guided evening where you learn to explore your body and sensations.

Cruise through the animal qxeendom
Workshop The body as a pleasure organ
What to expect?

This guided, evening-long experience cultivates the whole body as a pleasure organ through fun and light touch exercises, that we will do solo as well as in connection. We start the evening by activating our budding taste buds and feral smell organs thus setting the scene for some crucial consent and boundary work. Gradually, we build together a safe and sound base for the evening, gaining confidence and pleasure in articulating our yes, no, maybe and please, more of this! Knowing where our desires and fears are situated in the body, we can dive deeper into sensory play, embodiment practices and adulterated fun. Let's play!  

~ Our bodies contain volumes of stories, adventures, surprises, daring risks, triumphs, narrowly escaped danger and defeats. The landscapes of our bodies are vast, ever-changing and we, like diligent cartographers, are charged with the task of creating living maps. This evening, there will be ample space-time created to connect to these body wisdoms in light, fun, respectful and radically inclusive ways.   

~ This workshop is about exploring intimacy and touch beyond the romantic relationship and the bedroom. We expand the potential of playful interactions with each other by introducing and cultivating a vocabulary and tools for a layered and light engagemen

  • 18h00: All are welcome and we start slow, with artist and scenography maga Carolin Giezner (Touche Touche) handing over a welcoming and warming cup of love with the grooves of a DJ (TBC) who will accompany us throughout the night.   

  • 18h30: Light dinner is ritually served by the Spa for Spirits, resonating with Celebr8 Cupcakes.     
    We invite you to explore the full pleasure palette in the palate through the sensory experience of different foods and ingredients in our mouths. Bending and blending our senses, we expand the vocabulary of social hangouts through the act of feeding ourselves and each other. 

  • 19h30: The second course is a consent and boundary work that is crucial to the empowerment of your authentic and wholesome self expression! We put a strong emphasis on the feeling of safety, belonging and connection. Tools and communication for trust building are centralised. Unlearning shame around feeling connected love and being loved, we invite you to explore touch beyond our conventional, conditioned notions of attraction, beauty, gender, age and sexual orientation.

    Creating together this caring, shame-free, pleasure, bliss and excitement positive space, we are ready to relish in the main course, a care cruise through the animal qxeendom.   
  • 22h00: Desert: after the workshop, there will be space to hang-out and exchange experiences in a cuddle puddle surrounded by the scenographic bliss of Touche Touche and the tunes of a DJ (TBC).

  • The event ends at 23:00.
Practical information
  • This activity will be held in English
  • This workshop is clothes on. We encourage playful partial nudity if this feels right for all present.   
  • This event is hosted by Skinship collective and friends, Erika Sprey, Carolyn Giezner and Spa for Spirits resonating with Celebr8 Cultcakes

With thanks to the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgium


Prices include dinner.
You choose the rate that fits your budget:

  • Standard rate: €50
  • Reduction rate (for those with fewer financial resources): €25
    We offer 10 places at reduction rate
  • Plus fare (by buying a plus fare ticket you help making this evening affordable for everyone): €75

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