‘In the human design and use of weapons, natural elements are harnessed and deployed as a destructive technology. In this engineering, there is a break, fissure, and crack whereby the human and non-human entity, having been elastic, on impact becomes plastic, and forever changed from its original self.’
Helene Kazan
Screenshot from the film showing the calm shoreline situated close to the International Criminal Court (ICJ) in the Netherlands. Frame of Accountability, 01:00:00, Helene Kazan, 2024.
The film chapter ‘Beyond the Sky’s Limits’ narrates law as a consciousness coming to terms with its own failings: the speculative voice of a feminist, queered, decolonial international law. Unravelling this complex non-human subjectivity, it narrates the drafting of the Rules of Air Warfare in 1923. A filmic study of the legal archival document reveals how these international laws of war become corrupted by the self-interest of the strong states and colonial powers involved in their making: their ambitions fail quickly and critically.
This is part our of series on 'documents' in collaboration with the-documents.org. Read the introduction here.